Friday, September 26, 2008

Did you forget how to be annoying?

Well, in case you've forgotten, here's a list of things that can help you be annoying in Kmart.
Take boxes of condoms and put them in people's trolleys when the aren't looking.

Set all the alarm clocks (in housewares) to go off at five-minute intervals.

Ask to put a bag of M&M's on Lay-by.

Hide in a clothing rack, and when people come past yell "Pick me! Pick me!"

When an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, yell "No! Not the voices again!"

Well, there you are.
Tell me if you actually do any of these things. (IE: write a comment.)


wolfsbane said...

thanks 4 the comments
no i havnt forgoten how to be annoying but i do not annoy randoms i kmart, yet, i dont need to be annoy in to be annoying but hey. love the blog. and a warning all my friends claim i am mad (mad scients mad)

Just.another.temptation said...

Hey froggy. Love the annoy lists, lol, update some more! I couldnt stop laughing.
Oh, and plz cheeck out my update on Princess Sparkle Pony--- its funny. Ill update later and dnt 4get to comment!

wolfsbane said...

wow im so happy for u being in a band
im in the senior band at my high school and im also in the jazz band (i play trombone)

BoredToDeath AKA Amelia said...

Hey Jaquie, ^^
Love ur list!
PS- Im gonna call yuu later :D
Love Mel!

HummerGirl said...

whats up?
i'm guessing you'll know who this is, so plz leave a comment on my blog!!! omg, some1 sed that clock was looking at me when we left ur art class 2 go to computing!! It wasn't awesome hellokitty lover, so who do u think it was? lol, u'll figure it out!!
Anyway, i g2g, but i TTYL!!
Lotsa love from,
HummerGirl xxxooo