Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Annoyingly annoying stuff

Spend all day at a fast food restaurant, seeing how long it will take until your free refills cost money.

Construct an elaborate display of ropes in your backyard and tell your neighbors that you're a spider person.

When attending a movie you've already seen, yell out: Don't let him in! He's the killer!

When buying a goldfish at a pet store, ask the salesperson how often you should walk it.

When in a crowded elevator, say loudly: "I hope I fixed it this time."

Occasionally talk into your hand in public.

Carry a bag onto an elevator, wait until it's full, then ask if anyone knows how to disarm a bomb in less than 19 seconds.

Insist that someone accompany you to the public rest room because of Henry, the toilet monster.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sand Ninjas

You finally get your day in the sun and then: sand ninjas

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yet another!!!

i have one more blog... its called knock and don't run and it's full of annoying things to do. Click here to see it!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

How to be annoying er

Drum on every available surface.

Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

Staple papers in the middle of the page. or to the table.

Sew anti-theft detector strips into people's bags.

give someone a book they've been asking for... then type up the surprise ending and glue it on the first page.

Go to McDonalds drive-through and order a diet-water to go.

Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting
entirely of Beeeep Bip Bip Beeeep Bip. or, pretend you know morse code, and have LOUD conversations with friends in public places.

Honk and wave to strangers.

Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complementary
mints by the cash register.

Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.

Pay for your dinner with 5c pieces.

Repeat everything someone says.

Write X - BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on someone's

Light exploding candles on a birthday cake.

Wander around the restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley.

Wear a cape that says 'Magnificent One' or something like that.

Go for a car ride with heaps of people and finish the '99 bottles of beer' song.Then sing '1000 bottles of beer'.

Inform others that they exist only in your imagination.

Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a great, then laugh hysterically.

Routinely handcuff yourself to furniture, informing the curious that you
don't want to fall off.

Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with hand sanitiser.

Lie obviously about trivial things such as the time of day.

Leave your Christmas lights up and lit until February.

Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they
slow down.

Invent nonsense slang while using email, and see if people play along so they don't look stupid. AKA; itily shhj?

Mow your lawn with scissors.

Ask the waitress for an extra seat for your imaginary friend.

Never break eye contact.

Construct elaborate crop circles in your front lawn.

Yell random numbers while someone is counting.

Tell people you're from the future and that they will die within 24 hours.

Put a dog in your backpack and bring it to school, saying your dog ate your schoolbooks, so you couldn't do your homework.

Ask strangers where babies come from.

Pool Shark!!!

Surprise attacks!!!

One thing's for sure: Nobody ever sees the pool shark coming.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hi again!!! Here is a list of things an antelope doesn't know
How to tell a half-lie
How to hold a cup politely
How to play snap
That excersise is good for you
That all antelopes die in the end
Lucky i am not yet an antelope

New Blog

Okay. I have just made a new blog and i am putting short stories up. The address is Please take a look!
and another blog to... it's got random short stories. To visit click here.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Did you forget how to be annoying?

Well, in case you've forgotten, here's a list of things that can help you be annoying in Kmart.
Take boxes of condoms and put them in people's trolleys when the aren't looking.

Set all the alarm clocks (in housewares) to go off at five-minute intervals.

Ask to put a bag of M&M's on Lay-by.

Hide in a clothing rack, and when people come past yell "Pick me! Pick me!"

When an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, yell "No! Not the voices again!"

Well, there you are.
Tell me if you actually do any of these things. (IE: write a comment.)

Happy Holidays!!!

Happy Holidays Everyone and have a good day!

How To be Annoying

Hi everyone! I just want to teach you all how to be annoying. (if you didn't already know.)
NOTE: Feel free to copy onto your website etc... I don't mind.

Buy a really tall hat (preferably a turban, etc.). Sit in the front row. If someone asks you to take it off, tell them it's against your religion:

Throw popcorn up in the air and yell "It's SNOWING!!":

When someone kisses (on screen or in the theater), point and say "OOOOOHHHHH":

Clap when something bad happens to the main character, boo when something good happens: if you do it throughout the entire movie.

During a really sad scene, start cracking up. During a happy/funny scene start yelling or crying: if you do it throughout the entire movie.

Start coughing very loudly/choking. Point to/ask for the person-next-to-you's drink. If they offer it to you, drink the rest, including ice cubes. If they refuse to give it to you, stand up and yell "Fine! Let me die!” A really believable coughing/choking scene will work better.

Bring your TV's remote control and attempt to pause, fast-forward, and rewind the movie. During the climax or a really sad/serious scene, crack and start screaming that the damn thing is broken.

Yell “Frog!” really loudly in a really quiet/sad part.

Put your feet next to someone’s head and wiggle your feet around.

Kick their chair and say “I can’t stop moving!” when they ask you to stop.

Make a cardboard phone and ‘talk’ on it for a while.

Argue with your imaginary friend.

Roll down the isle yelling “Earthquake!”

Do the ‘Macarena’ during the beginning/end credits.

Start moaning and groaning during a really quiet part.

Leave the cinema as soon as the movie finishes, then walk into a random theater.

During a scary movie yell at the screen things such as, "No, don't trust him!", "Watch out!", and "No, DON'T GO IN THE CLOSET!!!!!!” Try yelling good things/really small things.

Preferably during the beginning of the opening stuff start screaming "No, not the voices! Anything but the voices". Also works when you're in a crowd, "An (Earthquake, flood, fire) we’re all going to DIE!!!!!" If people believe you or try to see if you're okay, you’re a genius.

When the last people are entering the theater, stand up and start waving and yelling for them to join you. (They can be strangers or you can get a whole bunch of friends to come in late). Yell to imaginary people too. You’ll never guess their reaction.

Wear a cape and when they lights dim and a logo comes on the screen, stand up and yell, "The Bat Signal." Attempt to save someone.

At a random point during the movie yell, "No I will NOT make out with you!" If no one is sitting near you, it works better.

Talk and laugh hysterically with your friends. When at least 10 people have shushed you, stand up and yell "Would you people SHUT UP! I'm trying to watch the movie!!"

There. Now go enjoy your annoying life!!!

Never Mind

Yeah. I asked a question in my last entry about who XxanimegirlxX was, but it's okay I know now.
Thanks guys

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Please answer people

Hello again... I was just wondering (really wondering, in fact, I was going to bed but this question bugged me too much) Who is XxanimegirlxX? seriously! I know she goes to my school cause it said so in one of the comments. yeah... so XxanimegirlxX, can you please say who you are? Thanx a heap

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hello. I have decided that I will post one of my poems on here. Mind you, it's not very good.
Here goes:

I wish you were mine
But everything's fine
We're all gonna die.
Everything's shattered
Like a teardrop of glass,
We're getting out of this place at last.
Bloodstains and black paint
Coffins and ash
But we're all okay.

So, ummm, yeah. That's it.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thanks to my friends

Hi again.
It is me! (and hi to all my friends again... Poisonberry, Strawberry, Raspberry etc...) You guys are so totally awesome. So... someone say something interesting...
Oh! Did you know that if you go on to the main web page, you can create your own blog? Thats how i made mine... I recommend it!
Your Friend

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I am thinking

Hi all you guys. I was talking with my friend yesterday... they recon they have some ideas for how I can use this blog. My friend Strawberry recons that I could publish poems, and my other friend recon I could just publish pictures... I don't know.
But... yeah. Gotta go, Mum thinks I'm doing work.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

here i am again

I am here again so yeah... I still don't know what to write! *Sob* My friend recons not to say where I live or go to school, or my name. Or her name. Or anyone elses name. She recons that we will be looked up in the phonebook by stalkers. So there. What if I tell you my name is Blueberry? Is that OK? My other friend wants me to say hi for her. So... hi from Strawberry! and also from Poisonberry! Well, gotta go.
From Froggy, Blueberry, Poisonberry and Strawberry!
ps- Spread the word, I want people to look at my blog!!! You can, for example, E-Mail the link URL of this page to someone... anyone! Bye for now... i really appreciate how you take the time out to look at this blog.

lonely blogger girl post 1

Hi all you guys - its me. I don't know what to write. I've never been good with words but anyway... who gives. So, lately... I have moved a lot. I am in high school now and I have been to about 7 schools. I am trying to take out my emotions on paper I guess. I wonder if this will become a virtual diary?
Who knows... right now... I have to go. I will keep on blogging even if nobody reads this.
lonely blogger girl